
A PHP library to interact with the Ellucian Ethos API.

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composer require melonsmasher/ethos-php

API Docs

Complete API docs can be found here.


As of now ethos-php has support for 316 models/routes. It supports nearly all Banner & Colleague models with the following feature set.

Features To Come


The example below demonstrates the fluent API, convenience methods, and control over pagination.


include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use MelonSmasher\EthosPHP\EthosClient;
use MelonSmasher\EthosPHP\Foundation\PersonsClient;

// Your API Key / Refresh Token
$secret = 'YourApiKey/RefreshToken';
// Create an authenticated Ethos session
$ethos = EthosClient::createSession($secret);
// Create a new Persons client using your Ethos session
$personsClient = new PersonsClient($ethos);
// Read the first page of persons
$page1 = $personsClient->read()->data();
// Move to the next page
// Read the second page
$page2 = $personsClient->read()->data();
// Set the page to the fourth page
// Read the 4th page to an array
$page4 = $personsClient->read()->toArray();
// Move 1 page back to the 3rd
// Read the 3rd page to a JSON string
$page3 = $personsClient->read()->toJson();
// Skip to the 6th page
// Read the 7th page
$page7 = $personsClient->read()->data();
// Skip back to the 5th page
// Read the 5th page
$page5 = $personsClient->read()->data();

The example below demonstrates the ability to provide custom request parameters.


include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use MelonSmasher\EthosPHP\EthosClient;
use MelonSmasher\EthosPHP\Foundation\PersonsClient;

// Your API Key / Refresh Token
$secret = 'YourApiKey/RefreshToken';
// Create an authenticated Ethos session
$ethos = EthosClient::createSession($secret);
// Create a new Persons client using your Ethos session
$personsClient = new PersonsClient($ethos);
// Send a request with the `criteria` parameter filtering for a person with a colleaguePersonId of 9000001.
$data = $personsClient->read([
    'criteria' => '{"credentials":[{"type":"colleaguePersonId","value":"9000001"}]}'

Dev Setup

Install PHIVE

Install build tools

phive install

Install composer requirements

./composer install